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Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice – a Detox Powerhouse Recipe

By Michael Gonzales
May 21, 2024
Healthy Kickstart: Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice – a Detox Powerhouse Recipe

Greet the dawn of a vibrant day with our Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice Recipe, a nourishing elixir brimming with refreshment and a fiery kick! Nothing quite personifies the phrase “wake up and smell the coffee” like this rejuvenating drink. Tantalizingly tangy, crisp to the taste, and packed with a punch of spice, this extraordinary blend is set to rewire your standard liquid diet with its nutrient-dense embrace. No doubt, our Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice is a game-changer set to elevate your health journey in the most delectable way imaginable!

Ingredients List

Harness the health benefits and scrumptious flavors of this power-packed juice with these ingredients:

  • 4 ripe tomatoes
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 1-2 fresh jalapenos (or green chili if you prefer a milder variant)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • A pinch of Himalayan pink salt
  • A sprig of fresh mint for garnish


Embark on your flavorful journey of liquid nourishment with these simple steps:

  1. Begin by washing your tomatoes, cucumbers, and jalapenos under cool running water.
  2. Slice your tomatoes and cucumbers into manageable chunks, keeping the jalapenos aside for now.
  3. Drop your slices into a juicer or blender, blending until you achieve a smooth consistency.
  4. Slice your jalapenos, removing seeds for less heat if preferred, and add them into your mixture.
  5. Blend your mixture once more until the jalapenos are well-integrated into your juice.
  6. Strain your mixture, discarding the pulp, and pour your juice into a tall glass.
  7. Stir in your lemon juice and Himalayan pink salt, garnishing with a sprig of fresh mint. Your Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice is ready!

Cooking Time & Servings

This potent elixir of revitalizing refreshment doesn’t require any cooking. From prep to savoring, you can expect to spend about 15-20 minutes creating this sublime juice. The mentioned quantities result in approximately two servings.

Nutritional Information

Our darling Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice is more than just a delightful, taste-bud-tingling drink; it’s a beacon of health in your liquid diet journey. Packed with lycopene from tomatoes, hydration-centric cucumbers, and antioxidant-rich jalapenos, the nutritional content of this juice sings a glorious symphony of health and wellness.

NutrientAmount Per Serving
Total Fat1g

Tips and Tricks

Venture beyond the ordinary with these handy tips and tricks:

  • For a smoother drinking experience, consider peeling your cucumbers before blending.
  • Want your juice with a bit more body? Retain the pulp instead of discarding it, adding extra fiber!
  • Love garlic? Add a small clove during blending for an extra flavor hit.

In conclusion

This recipe not only tantalizes your taste buds but also serves as a testament to the power of combining simple ingredients into a nourishing blend. We invite you to savor this vibrant Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice and share your experience with us. Will you stick to the classic recipe, or will you cast caution to the wind and bring your unique twist to the table?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I add spices to the Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice?

Certainly! Feel free to add a pinch of black pepper or a spot of cayenne for extra warmth.

Can I refrigerate this juice?

Yes, the juice keeps well in the fridge for about a day. Just remember to give it a good stir before consuming.

Can I use other types of tomatoes?

Absolutely! Any variety of ripe, juicy tomatoes will work.

What if I’m not a fan of spice?

No worries! Simply omit the jalapenos or adjust according to your preference.

Can I add other veggies to the juice?

Indeed! Feel free to experiment with additions like celery or bell peppers for added flavor and nutrition.

Kindly remember that your feedback and unique culinary tales always bring a smile to our faces, so don’t be shy to connect!

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Healthy Kickstart: Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice – a Detox Powerhouse Recipe

Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice Recipe

Michael Gonzales
Greet the dawn of a vibrant day with our Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice, a nourishing elixir brimming with refreshment and a fiery kick! Nothing quite personifies the phrase “wake up and smell the coffee” like this rejuvenating drink. Tantalizingly tangy, crisp to the taste, and packed with a punch of spice, this extraordinary blend is set to rewire your standard liquid diet with its nutrient-dense embrace. No doubt, our Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice is a game-changer set to elevate your health journey in the most delectable way imaginable!
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 2
Calories 110 kcal


  • 4 ripe tomatoes
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 1-2 fresh jalapenos or green chili if you prefer a milder variant
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • A pinch of Himalayan pink salt
  • A sprig of fresh mint for garnish


  • Begin by washing your tomatoes, cucumbers, and jalapenos under cool running water.
  • Slice your tomatoes and cucumbers into manageable chunks, keeping the jalapenos aside for now.
  • Drop your slices into a juicer or blender, blending until you achieve a smooth consistency.
  • Slice your jalapenos, removing seeds for less heat if preferred, and add them into your mixture.
  • Blend your mixture once more until the jalapenos are well-integrated into your juice.
  • Strain your mixture, discarding the pulp, and pour your juice into a tall glass.
  • Stir in your lemon juice and Himalayan pink salt, garnishing with a sprig of fresh mint. Your Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice is ready!


Venture beyond the ordinary with these handy tips and tricks:
  • For a smoother drinking experience, consider peeling your cucumbers before blending.
  • Want your juice with a bit more body? Retain the pulp instead of discarding it, adding extra fiber!
  • Love garlic? Add a small clove during blending for an extra flavor hit.
Keyword Spicy Tomato and Cucumber Juice Recipe, Tomato and Cucumber Juice Recipe


  • Michael Gonzales

    Michael Gonzales is a seasoned Health & Fitness Consultant, dedicated to helping individuals achieve their wellness goals. With extensive expertise in customizing fitness plans based on individual needs, he guides clients towards optimal health. Michael's passion for empowering others has made him a trusted resource in the industry. His comprehensive approach encompasses physical fitness and overall well-being, enabling remarkable transformations. For exceptional guidance and lasting results, rely on the expertise of Michael Gonzales, your partner in embracing a healthier lifestyle.

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